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Your search for "zoom" yielded 2139 hits

Book launch "Ameenas resa" with Anna Lindberg

Published 10 May 2021 On 17 May at 18:00, SASNET invites you to join the virtual book launch of Anna Lindberg's first novel, Ameena's Journey (or the book that wrote itself). In her book, Lindberg tells the story of Ameena, a young girl from eastern Afghanistan who is forced to flee with her family from the Taliban and embarks on a tumultuous journey that eventually leads her to Sweden. For more i - 2025-02-05

Forensic Approaches in Live Performance

Published 6 November 2023 This public lecture and conversation explore the specificities and possibilities of using forensic approaches in contemporary live performance. It is the first in a series on Critical Performance Practices, and it’s organized by the MA Performing Arts as Critical Practice at Malmö Theatre Academy. With Stefanos Levidis – Forensic Architecture and choreographer Arkadi Zaid - 2025-02-05

Middle East Forum Newsletter #10 April, 2020

By maria [dot] lofstedt [at] cme [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Löfstedt) - published 4 May 2020 Middle East Forum Newsletter #10 April, 2020 Middle Eastern research news from Lund University. Words from the directorThe covid-19 has turned teaching, research, and ordinary university activities upside down. Still, we do not see the end of it. But the most important lesson to be learned is to adapt to fut - 2025-02-05

Popular course: Written English for scholarly publication

Published 8 October 2024 Your research deserves to be communicated clearly, efficiently, and correctly. To develop your academic English, don't miss the opportunity to take part in the popular course “Written English for Scholarly Publication”. Register by 11 October. The course is organized by the English Unit at the Centre for Language and Literature and consists of eight seminars in November an - 2025-02-05

Information meeting 1 June: new call for funding for Thematic Cooperation Initiatives

By anna [dot] bille [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Bille) - published 20 May 2022 Lund University is announcing new funding for thematic collaborative initiatives, TSI, for the period 2023-2025. Up to four initiatives will receive funding of SEK 1 million per year over three years Applications must be multi-disciplinary and include at least three faculties as well as at least one external partne - 2025-02-06

Lärare berättar om fördelar med digital examination i Inspera

Av maria [dot] esaiasson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Esaiasson) - publicerad 25 april 2022 Karin Bergman är lektor och utbildningsledare på Nationalekonomiska institutionen vid Ekonomihögskolan vid Lunds universitet. I rollen som utbildningsledare har hon under pandemin arbetat mycket med den digitala undervisningen vid institutionen. Här berättar hon om sina tankar om digital exam - 2025-02-05

Interaktivitet, kommunikation och engagemang i onlinekurser

Publicerad 10 juni 2020 Att läsa vid ett universitet kan för många studenter bli annorlunda än förväntat om undervisningen blir helt digital. Som ny student i en enbart digital lärandemiljö kan det bli utmanande att lära känna andra studenter och lärare, ta del av det sociala sammanhanget och känna tillhörighet till Lunds universitet som man naturligare gör på campus.    Det är inte en milsvid ski - 2025-02-05

Det politiska spelet - därför behövs maktspel på jobbet

Publicerad 29 september 2021 Maktspel eller konstruktiv organisationsutveckling? Organisationspolitik ses ofta som något negativt och för tankarna till fult maktspel men är i själva verket avgörande för att organisationer ska fungera. Under Framtidsveckan vid Lunds universitet har du möjlighet att ta del av seminarium där Johan Alvehus diskuterar varför organisationspolitik bör ses som en fundamen - 2025-02-05

Möjligt genombrott för nya resmönster - fördjupande samtal om framtidens turism

Publicerad 30 september 2021 Pandemin har inneburit förändrade resemönster. Istället för lyxiga weekendresor över Atlanten har många vandrat i svenska fjäll och lokala naturreservat. Men är eran med vinterresor till Thailand över? Kommer de nya resmönstern att hålla i sig? Och vad krävs för att klara sig inom besöksnäringen framöver? Under Framtidsveckan på Lunds universitet kan du ta del av forsk - 2025-02-05

Graduation ceremony Master programme

By annika [dot] permevik [at] ism [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Permevik) - published 11 June 2021 The graduating master students from the Department of Service Management and Service Studies took part in a digital Farewell reception at the department on Monday June 7 and then attended the digital graduation ceremony at the Faculty of Social Sciences on Wednesday June 9. Two days filled with speeches, - 2025-02-05

A new semester and new students – and now our student website is in English! 

By maria [dot] esaiasson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Esaiasson) - published 18 August 2022 Let your students know we have articles and guides on digital study techniques at designed to help them handle technology and study in the new normal. Photo: Bruno Emmanuelle Azsk from For many students, starting university involves new contexts to navigate and - 2025-02-05

Det analytiska hantverket och dess strävan

Publicerad 8 oktober 2015 David Wästerfors, docent i sociologi, har publicerat en ny bok, Från stoff till studie, tillsammans med Jens Rennstam, om analysarbete i kvalitativ forskning. Från stoff till studie Om analysarbete i kvalitativ forskningFinns det ett enkelt sätt att analysera intervjuer, observationer och dokument? Svaret är nej. Analysarbete är notoriskt mångbottnat och det finns sannerl - 2025-02-06

Start for LUBI seminar series

By karin [dot] engstrom [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Karin Engström) - published 22 January 2021 LUBI will start organizing a seminar series this spring. The seminars will focus on methods in bioinformatics. The focus of these seminar series are methods: how-to apply bioinformatics in a study or in one´s research, described at a level that can attract researchers at many different stages The first - 2025-02-05

Exkursioner på distans

Av bjorn [dot] fritz [at] kultur [dot] lu [dot] se (Björn Fritz) - publicerad 19 maj 2021 Hur gör man ett inspelat besök på ett museum, i en samling eller i en annan miljö? Med inspelade exkursioner kan man besöka platser som studenterna inte kan ta sig till (om de t.ex. är för långt bort eller inte tar emot studentgrupper). Man kan också tänka sig att studenterna gör exkursionen på egen hand på e - 2025-02-05

New SASNET-CMES report on jihadi-Salafism

Published 10 February 2021 Researcher Orwa Ajjoub explores the historical development of the theological concepts of jihadi Salafism and their implications on the ground. In his newly published report "From Afghanistan to Syria: The Development of the Theological and Political Aspects of Jihadi-Salafism", funded by SASNET and the Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies at Lund University, resea - 2025-02-05

Gender perspectives on public diplomacy and foreign policy

Published 13 September 2021 The webinar is organised by the Institute for Public Affairs at Lund University, in collaboration with a research group in public diplomacy at the Department of Strategic Communication. Cecilia Cassinger is host. Professor Nancy Snow, who is currently researching Sweden's feminist diplomacy, will give a talk about her acclaimed research on gender diplomacy and her exper - 2025-02-05

Newsletter from the Academic Support Center

Published 5 May 2022 Here's a note from the Academic Support Center: The writing sessions for the Spring 2022 semester have now started! You can find more information about the writing sessions, current dates and how to register on this link: Writing sessions. Do you have any short, specific questions about academic writing or study strategies? Or do you just want to know what help is available fr - 2025-02-05

Middle East Forum Newsletter #20 April, 2021

By maria [dot] lofstedt [at] cme [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Löfstedt) - published 4 May 2021 New calls for research funding, and scientific advisory board in the making! While we are still waiting for warmer spring weather to arrive there are some encouraging signs that we are now moving towards brighter times. The surrounding of CMES is distinguished by beautiful Magnolia trees in full blossom and - 2025-02-05

Idag den 15/10: Digital föreläsning om artros

Av kontakt [at] artrosportalen [dot] se (Artrosportalen) - publicerad 15 oktober 2021 Martin Englund, professor och initiativtagare till Artrosportalen föreläser om artros i eftermiddag klockan 17.30. I tisdags var det den Internationella Reumatikerdagen (World Arthritis day), som finns till för att uppmärksamma reumatiska sjukdomar. I samband med denna dag har Reumatikerförbundet anordnat ett fle - 2025-02-05